Engine Builds

RalliTEK is your go-to destination for top-notch engine building services for offroad vehicles. We understand that offroad enthusiasts demand nothing but the best for their machines, and that's exactly what we deliver. Whether you need a complete engine rebuild, a refresh, or routine maintenance to keep your offroad beast running smoothly, our team of experienced and passionate technicians is here to make it happen. We take pride in our meticulous attention to detail, using only the highest quality parts and the latest techniques to ensure your engine performs at its peak. With RalliTEK, you're not just getting a service; you're getting a commitment to excellence in offroad performance. Trust us with your engine, and let's take your offroad adventures to new heights.

  • Engine Tuning

    For Subaru enthusiasts looking to elevate the power and efficiency of their vehicles, our Engine Tuning services at RalliTEK provide the expertise and precision you need. We specialize in fine-tuning Subaru engines to enhance performance, delivering an exhilarating driving experience while maintaining reliability and fuel efficiency.

  • Engine Overhauls

    At RalliTEK, we understand the deep bond Subaru owners have with their vehicles. When your Subaru's engine needs a new lease on life, our expert engine overhaul services are designed to revive it, ensuring it performs at its best while prolonging its lifespan.

Call us at 503-619-0055 Ext 1